Leigh’s Book List


Most likely to succeed: preparing our kids for the innovation era

Today more than ever, we prize academic achievement, pressuring our children to get into the “right” colleges, have the highest GPAs, and pursue advanced degrees. But while students may graduate with credentials, by and large they lack the competencies needed to be thoughtful, engaged citizens and to get good jobs in our rapidly evolving economy. Our school system was engineered a century ago to produce a workforce for a world that no longer exists. Alarmingly, our methods of schooling crush the creativity and initiative young people really need to thrive in the twenty-first century.



What Happy Women Know: How New Findings in Positive Psychology Can Change Women's Lives for the Better

Learn to look on the bright side and enjoy a richer, healthier, more fulfilling life!

Leadership can be taught: a bold approach for a complex world

This bold approach enables emerging leaders to work actively through the complex demands of today's workplace and build their skills as they discover theory in practice.



Cultivating a new culture of learning

The economic future of the country depends on how well we educate our children. At a time when the US doesn’t even rank in the top 30 countries in the world in education status, we are fortunate to have a new book: A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change.


The How of Happiness

The How of Happiness is a how-to comprehensive guide to understanding the elements of happiness based on years of groundbreaking scientific research. Sonja provides practical suggestions for improving ones life that are easy to follow.


Leaders make the future: ten new leadership skills for an uncertain world

Drawing on the latest forecasts from the Institute for the Future—the first futures think tank ever to outlive its forecasts—this powerful book explores the external forces that are shaking the foundations of leadership and unveils ten critical new leadership skills.


Flourish builds on Dr. Seligman’s game-changing work on optimism, motivation, and character to show how to get the most out of life, unveiling an electrifying new theory of what makes a good life—for individuals, for communities, and for nations. In a fascinating evolution of thought and practice, Flourish refines what Positive Psychology is all about. 
